Currently Transforming, Borobudur Temple is guaranteed to be managed based on culture and education

Holiday Ayo - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir confirmed that the transformation of the Borobudur Temple complex, Central Java, aims to make this heritage site a world-class spiritual, cultural and educational tourism destination.
Erick said that the arrangement and preservation of the Borobudur Temple complex is guaranteed to be sustainable and empower the economy of the surrounding community.
"Borobudur is a world heritage that we must manage with a clear vision and strong commitment. This development is not only for tourism, but also to create an economic impact for society, especially MSMEs," said Erick in a statement in Jakarta, Tuesday.
Erick also highlighted the direct impact of the development of the Borobudur area on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
The increase in the number of visitors and optimization of the Borobudur area provides encouragement for local business actors, especially those involved in the Borobudur Museum and Art Village, so that they can increase their income and strengthen their competitiveness in the creative economy sector.
"We are proud to see that the local community feels the direct economic impact of this project. The increase in MSME income around the Borobudur area is the real result of our commitment to creating an inclusive economic ecosystem," said Erick.
Apart from the economic impact, the development of Borobudur also includes the transformation of museums in this area into more dynamic educational and cultural centers.
The Borobudur Museum is now designed to show the values that shaped Indonesian civilization.
The government also continues to strive to increase accessibility for international tourists by opening direct flight routes to Yogyakarta.
This step is expected to increase the attractiveness of Borobudur as an international destination and encourage foreign tourists to more easily access this site.
"Indonesia has great tourism potential, and we must ensure that our infrastructure and accessibility are ready to compete with other countries," said Erick.
In the sustainability aspect, the development of Zone 2 which includes a 60.89 hectare Heritage Park emphasizes preserving the site and its ecosystem.
Borobudur will have various clusters such as the Borobudur Spiritual Sanctuary (BSS) and Taman Flora & Nursery, which combine spiritual, educational and cultural tourism.

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