Netizen Journalist

How to Deal with Jellyfish Stings while on Holiday at the Beach

Holiday Ayo - Jellyfish are jelly-like creatures that have small stinging cells in their tentacles. This serves to paralyze the prey before they are eaten. 

Jellyfish stings can cause different symptoms in each person, as well as their severity, as well as the type of jellyfish that stings. 


However, if you are stung by an adult jellyfish, the pain can be excruciating, explained Dr. Jill Grimes, author of The ULTIMATE College Student Health Handbook. 


“The mildest reaction is a small reddish bump," said dermatologist Dr. Luke Maxfield to USA Today. 


If the body's reaction is a bit slow, a jellyfish sting will cause inflammation and hyperpigmentation, Maxfield said.


The severe reaction is a very painful blistering wound and if the sting is poisonous it will cause necrosis of the skin. 


How to deal with it When you feel stung while swimming, get out of the water immediately, advises Grimes. 


Wounds and pain can be treated using traditional methods, namely urinating on the affected area, although from a medical perspective it is not recommended, said Maxfield, because it is feared that the remaining residue could actually be even more toxic. 


Rinsing the wound with sea water will also not help because it cannot get rid of the poison. If there are still remaining tentacles stuck to the skin, Grimes recommends not removing them with your fingers.  


“It's better to use tweezers or the side of a credit card," says Grimes. 


Meanwhile, to relieve itching, use a cold compress to relieve discomfort. Don't apply ice directly to the skin, but wrap it in a towel to compress it.  


You can also use topical ointment on the stung skin. However, if you are stung in the face or genital area, consult a doctor. 


You also take medications such as antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, fexofenadine, loratadine, and cetirizine.

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