Netizen Journalist

Indonesian Natural Rubber Enters the European Union

Holiday Ayo - PT Perkebunan Nusantara IV, a subsidiary of the Perkebunan Nusantara Holding Company PTPN III (Persero), made the first shipment of sustainable rubber which has gone through a due diligence process in accordance with the European Union's deforestation-free regulations (EUDR). 

Standard Indonesian Rubber (SIR) rubber produced by PTPN Group will be the raw material for various products such as tires which will be exported to the European Union. 


The first shipment was made at Belawan Port, North Sumatra. Previously, PTPN Group's natural rubber products had received various certifications such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, RubberWay and EcoVadis. 


This shows that PTPN Group has implemented sustainable natural rubber cultivation practices. A company management system that has implemented ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles also makes it easier to fulfill the EUDR due diligence criteria for PTPN Group rubber products. 


Facing Implementation Challenges EUDREUDR is the European Union's new initiative to limit deforestation caused by agricultural activities around the world in several commodities such as palm oil, rubber, coffee, cocoa, soybeans, wood and meat. 


EUDR will be implemented in January 2025 for large companies and mid-2025 for smallholder farmers' products. 


For rubber commodities, this regulation will affect 11 million hectares of rubber plantations throughout the world. 


Indonesia needs to anticipate this, because Indonesia is the second largest natural rubber producer in the world after Thailand. 


For large companies like PTPN Group, the EUDR due diligence process is not a big problem. PTPN's rubber plantations have been certified many times by various parties and have implemented a traceability system that is integrated into the e-farming scheme. 


“This is an advantage for PTPN because our rubber products can be traced because they come from their own plantations," said Dwi Sutoro, Marketing Director of Nusantara Perkebunan Holding.

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