Netizen Journalist

Trending US Dollar Exchange Rate Drops to IDR 8,170 on Google, BI: Not the Level It Should Be

Holiday Ayo - The Google search site shows that the value of the US dollar against the rupiah has fallen to IDR 8,170.65. This also caused a stir, especially on X's social media. 

Head of the Communications Department of Bank Indonesia, Ramdan Denny Prakoso, said that the figure stated in public findings on Google of IDR 8,170.65 per US dollar was not the appropriate level. 


“The level of the US dollar exchange rate to the rupiah which is around IDR 8,100 as stated on Google is not the level it should be," he said in a written statement, Saturday (1/2). 


Ramdan said that Bank Indonesia data recorded the exchange rate of the US dollar to the rupiah at IDR 16,312 per US dollar on January 31 2025. 


Meanwhile, BI is currently communicating with Google Indonesia regarding this community's findings.


"We are coordinating with Google Indonesia regarding this discrepancy so that we can immediately make the necessary corrections," he concluded. 


Previously, on X's social media, discussion about the falling US dollar exchange rate became a hot topic.


The words "error", "1 USD" and "rupiah" topped X's social media trending at 17.45 WIB. As of 18.00 WIB, these three words were still trending topics.

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